When To Call A Personal Injury Lawyer

It’s hard for people to know when to call a personal injury lawyer. Sometimes people might think you should only call a personal injury lawyer if you’ve been in a car crash, but in reality, a personal injury attorney can help with much more than car crashes.

A personal injury lawyer really is there to help their clients gain financial compensation for damage suffered to their physical, emotional, or financial wellbeing, as well as for any damage their property sustained. 

This area of law is called torts, and it covers a lot of different kinds of injuries and damages. 

What exactly is a tort?

A tort is commonly defined as an act or omission that causes injury or harm to another being, where the responsible party is liable in court for the damage they cause. 

It essentially amounts to if a person, company, or organization causes harm or injury to a person, either through direct action or negligence, the person they harmed can sue them for monetary compensation in court. 

For more information click here.

What is considered harm or injury?

This area of law can be confusing, and it is always important to run your individual case by a knowledgeable lawyer. 

There are different kinds of harm or injury that can fall under tort law. Typically, if you or a loved one suffered damage physically, emotionally, or financially, it falls under torts. Additionally, if your property was significantly damaged that can be classified as a tort. 

What are Some Examples?

Physical damage is what people most often think of when it’s time to call a personal injury lawyer. That can be your car crashes, workplace injuries, and medical malpractice. 

Additionally, there is an area of torts law called toxic torts having to do with environmental pollution causing illness or damage to someone’s physical well-being.

To learn about a recent case Cueto Law handled in the area of toxic torts that resulted in a 72.2 million dollar verdict click here! 

Emotional damage comes from when a client suffers extreme stress. It can occur with both another kind of damage or on its own. Emotional damage can also come from the violation of someone’s civil rights.

An example of a case Cueto Law is handling regarding emotional damage is a school bullying case. To learn more about what your child’s school is legally required, click here. 

Property Damage is when the responsible party causes damage to things you own as well as land or dwellings. This can occur not just through fires or complete destruction.

One example is if you take a product into your home that causes damage to your home or other property due to a manufacturer or design defect. This is an example of product liability.

Financial Damage is when the plaintiff has to pay to fix any of the damage caused by the responsible party. This can include medical bills, therapy bills, the replacement of property, and much more. 

It is how courts determine the liability of the responsible person, organization or company. This is how we help prove what damages clients are entitled to.

For more information on how the court calculates damage click here!

When to Call a Personal Injury Lawyer

If your property has suffered damage or your emotional, physical, or financial health has been impacted because of others, then you can call a personal injury lawyer for a consultation. 

At Cueto Law, we handle much more than car crashes and medical malpractice. We take great pride in helping people who have been harmed by others, get justice. 

Call us at 618-277-1554 for a free consultation. 

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