
Discrimination Based on Ethnicity in Schools

We do not discuss discrimination based on ethnicity in schools as much as other kinds of discrimination. However, that doesn’t mean it isn’t a problem that should be addressed. No family should have to deal with discrimination in schools, but if you are, keep reading to learn about available resources and options.

What is Ethnic Discrimination?

In the United States, you have a right to be treated like anyone else. Being harassed, bullied, or singled out based on your ethnicity is a violation of federal civil rights law.

Sadly many experiences of discrimination are considered normal in our culture and something people just have to tolerate. This should not be the case, as it’s against the law.

While discrimination is mostly talked about in regards to the workplace, it can still happen in school.

Common signs of discrimination in schools include

  • Staff failing to address bullying
  • Frequent referrals to the principal for minor infractions
  • Grades not reflecting work or progress
  • Being Singled Out
  • Creating a hostile learning environment

Be aware of the signs of discrimination, and make sure to download a free signs of discrimination checklist to keep track of what you see happening.

Click here to download.

What exactly does the law say?

Your child’s school might be violating their civil rights.

As organizations that accept federal money, schools are legally required to comply with all federal rights laws. 

That means they have to take steps to prevent and address bullying when the bullying is based on any of the following categories.

  • Race
  • Gender
  • Gender Identity
  • Sexual Orientation 
  • Religion
  • Ethnicity
  • Disability
  • National Origin
  • And More

If your child is being bullied for their ethnicity, and the school does nothing, then it is not complying with federal rights laws.

Their actions can be considered discrimination against your child.

For more information on federal civil rights laws and bullying, click here.

Generally, it’s a good idea to begin documenting the things you see to build a case. Keep all communication the school sends you and take notes during all meetings. 

However, every case of discrimination based on ethnicity in schools will differ and depend on the circumstances.

We at Cueto Law offer free consultations and can give you a better idea of your legal options. Call us at 618-277-1554 to speak to one of our attorneys. 

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